"The Forest" by Gareth Stevenson

These puffball spores are sitting on an old lumber pile that is 100 meters behind my house.  There are tons of them and when something hits them it normally tears the skin and the spores puff out and then taken by the wind.  They give off a yellowy rust colour. My dogs end up stepping on them all the time so sometimes when they come in they are covered in the spores.

This is a hole between fallen trees that had sunlight coming down on it.  The trees fell when Irene hit and they tore up the side of the hill they were on.  I think that when the first one fell it loosened up enough of the soil for the second one to land almost on top of it.  I was surprised when I saw them because they are relatively large trees.  

This is a branch from the willow tree next to my house.  The whole tree is 6ft off the ground at the highest point on the trunk.  When we moved to the house it was the coolest thing ever because we could walk on it and run on it even though it was guaranteed someone would fall off it eventually.  The trunk is covered in moss so it was always nice to walk, or run, on it barefoot.  My sister wouldn’t go near it because she is afraid of heights. As we grew up though it became less entertaining because the ground seemed to be closer and the branches seemed to be closer to our heads. 

For an idea of how close the wood are to my house the pine tree on the left is 20 meters left of my house and the center of the pine is almost perfectly aligned with the center of our house.  When I walk home some days by the time up the driveway (I have a long driveway) I sometimes see deer in the woods or other small animals like foxes and even rabbits.

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